Tuesday, July 15, 2008

swap meet sunday

On Sunday me, my mom and Marty woke up at 5:45 am and took almost everything I own to the OCC Swap Meet. It was such a strange feeling selling things, some that I have had since I was in 5th grade and others only a few years old that are more new, for $1.

We sold a lot but still ended up taking so much to Goodwill. This whole process of getting rid of all my stuff has been cleansing and sad and frustrating all at the same time.

There is less than a week now till my Aliyah and I have done so much yet still feel like I have so much to do. I know it will all get done, I just hope it gets done sooner than later.


Hayley said...

less than a week??!! how do you say "you suck" in hebrew. i am going to miss your newly israeli ass.

elaina june said...

i know right?!?! it's crazy! don't know how to say you suck, but i'll get back to you. if you get bored you and eloise should take a ride and come hang in the i for a bit with me!