Monday, January 24, 2011


I did it.
I decided to make a new blog to share my ideas about yummy healthy inexpensive food.
I hope that it goes well and will help and inspire others.
Check it out!
Healthy Cheap Eats

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

healthy cheap eats

Saving every last penny or i guess agura in our case, is what I've been doing. Everyone is shocked when they hear how little we spend on food a month. So this got me thinking, maybe I should teach a cooking class on how to make healthy yummy food for little money. I had thought about teaching a healthy cooking class for a while now, and I was also thinking of making lots of yummy food and serving lunch once a week for a good price. But again something else I haven't gotten around to doing.
I mentioned this new class idea to a friend who also taught some cooking classes, but she said I should forget the classes and I should write a book. That is definitely an interesting idea but seems like a lot of work. So all this got me thinking and well then I thought of having a weekly e-mail, but then I thought maybe just write a blog on the food I make. Or maybe I should just do it here on this blog. Soo many ideas!!! Thoughts anyone? Anyone? Bueller?!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

stir crazy

I don't know what it is, maybe its the cold weather and staying in doors or maybe its the fact that I feel very overwhelmed with all of the things I need to do and the lack of time I have to do them. Maybe it is just my feeling of needing to get out of the city. What ever it is I have this overwhelming feeling that I just need to GET OUT!! What do I need to get out of though?
Y and I have been discussing moving, I want to feel more settled have something that feels more permanent and more like "ours". Buying isn't really an option right now, but at least we want to try and find a place we like, a place to settle.
Part of all of this could be that our landlord has told us that he wants to sell, and so I now know there is an expiration on our apartment. I really love this apartment, but there are many things I don't like about it and now that I know we will need to move at some point they are all intensified.
Also probably the fact that I still don't feel like I accomplish anything. I know that isn't true, but I just wish I could accomplish more than I do each day. But well this is being a mother I guess, and well I guess I just still need to work on figuring out a routine. If only CNY would stick with a routine HA! Last night he went to bed a little later than usual but then woke up at 6:40am wanting to play, so as Dr. Sears says just roll over and play dead and he will eventually get bored and go back to sleep and well it so far has worked the few times we have tried that. But then after being up for a while and going back to sleep he slept until 11:30am! You would think that this would be amazing, but well then I never know when he is going to wake up and when he will want to nap and when he will actually go to sleep at night. hump... the unpredictability of babies! I love this little boy, sure keeps me on my toes.
SO back to how this all started, I have all of these projects I want to work on and I don't seem to ever complete them or even start them or I start and they just don't seem to be coming out the way I want them to. Maybe one day I will be a "SUPER MOM" like the ones you see on TV or in the movies that always have cute clean put together outfits with their hair done all up and their inchipped nail polish, and perfectly cleaned houses with everything in its spot and the kids always seems happy and content! Is this unrealistic portrayal of mothers whats getting me down and feeling like I am in a rut, is is the lack of permanence, is it the feeling that I just don't want to be an adult, am I an adult!!!??? What?!?!?! When did that happen?!?!
Ok back to the little many scooting around on the unswept and unwashed floor pulling everything off the coffee table!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Time Time Time

Where does the time go? The days and the weeks seems to just fly by yet it feels like I never get anything done. It is very difficult to get things done with a baby or at least with my baby. He likes to be held and he likes to be with me. He plays really well by himself but a lot of the time he will play nicely but I have to sit next to him, I can be doing my own thing but I have to sit with him. I try to wear him around the house so I can get things done, but then well things happen like what happened on Thursday...I was wearing CNY on my back and he reached over and grabbed a spoon that was on a bowl of a ton of squash I had cooked to make a souffle with and BOOM it all fell on the floor, that isn't the first time that happened, but well I guess a few casualties is better then not getting anything done.

I was feeling so sad that it felt like my house is a mess and I can't accomplish anything that I decided to see if I can find anyone to volunteer/help me for just 1-2 hours/week so I cab get some stuff done and surprisingly a few people offered and a few others offered ideas of ways to find someone. I am hoping to try and get someone to come this week, we will see if that helps and makes me feel better. It also could just be the winter. Winter seems to always make people a little bit sad and depressed, I guess because everyone is inside to stay warm and because the sun goes down so much earlier and I now that makes me tired. And well so does being a mommy of a teething baby. Being a mommy sometimes is rough!! I love it so so much but I guess I just didn't realize that even at 8 1/2 months it was still going to be so hard to accomplish anything. The things that no one ever tells us or maybe that we just don't want to believe until it happens. My respect for mothers and mothers of multiple children and single mothers has gone up tremendously!! Way to go mommas!!