Monday, February 8, 2010

1 year

1 year ago, depending on how you count either a week ago on Tu B'Shvat or today Y and I were married. So much has hanged for both of us over this year and we have both grown so much, well one of us more than the other. As my belly is growing, Y's seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Some people think I don't feed him, but really it is just that I am feeding him, yay for healthy food and mom's who teach me the importance of whole foods! Thank you mom!

Y I love you more with each day!

One thing that my grandmother told me, was that you have to love the person you marry. She would say to me about my grandfather z"l, "I love him so much, but sometimes he just drives me crazy." Thank you grandma, I quoted you on that this morning!

Too many many more happy years of growth together!