Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jewish History

I went to visit with my grandmother yesterday to spend some time with her before I leave. Little did I know I would be leaving with some history. My Grandpa Joe z"l passed away about 3 years ago and my grandmother, now 88 is getting ready to move to a retirement community.

She gave me an old throw pillow that is used to love that they got in Thailand ages ago. It is Thai silk and is yellow with brown fishies on it.

She also gave me small hexagons that she crocheted from scraps of yarn. It is a work in progress and she just adds more as she makes them. I am really exited because because I was looking for a pattern for an afghan made out of yarn scraps and this is perfect and I am so excited to incorporate my grandma's pieces into my own afghan.

My grandmother also gave me these amazing old Jewish books. The small brown one was an army issued Bible for Jews that was my grandpa's when he was in the army.

The blue and red is a Rosh Hashanah Machzor that was my grandma's mother's. It was printed in Vilna and all of the commentary and extras are Yiddish.

The Beautiful white one is a Siddur from Budapest and is over 100 years old. It has amazing metal detail on the cover and...

...0n the inside my great grandfather signed it and wrote a note when he gave it to my grandpa in 1981. This siddur is absolutely beautiful and delicate. It is in Hebrew and Hungarian, something that I have never seen before but I will treasure this and the other books my grandma gave me. I hope to even use them on very very special occasions.

Iam so blessed to have all 3 of these books that each have so much history. May the merit of my ancestors help me to be the best that I can be!

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