Tuesday, June 10, 2008


It was my birthday and I decided to make Green Tea Cupcakes. I have been wanting to bake with Green Tea for a while but hadn't been able to find Matcha Green Tea in Israel. I think that maybe I just didn't know what to look for but now I do so hopefully I can make yummy Green Tea baked goods. I found this recipe for Green Tea Almond Cookies that I really want to make. For my birthday I ended up making a Green Tea Cake recipe but made them into cupcakes, they are kind of a mix between a cupcake and a muffin though. I also used dried cranberries inside of them. But whatever they are they are vegan and yummy!

So besides the baking my birthday was pretty uneventful, I wasn't really in the mood to do anything too exciting so I didn't do much of anything. My mom and my step-dad and I went out to lunch to a raw restaurant in The Camp and it was pretty good.

My mom is now eating raw so I basically have been too since I have been home for the summer. We usually have a salad everyday but sometimes we get extra fancy and make fun raw food that we "cook" in the dehydrator, food can be heated to 118 degrees without being considered cooked. I have made "lasagna" and "pizza" and "cheese sticks" and it has all been amazing. It was all inspired by this cookbook RAWvolution. I have eaten at the restaurant by the same name on a date once and it was pretty good. The date didn't end up going anywhere but the food was definitely memorable! I don't know if I could eat a completely raw diet but almost raw is pretty ok. The food definitely has flavor and can be very fun to make. I might even continue to eat this way when I get home. I had tried a basically raw diet before after reading Eat To Live but it was hard to do since well as a Jew Shabbat roles around every week and one is required to eat bread (challah) during at least 2 meals, and when you eat with others it is rare to get whole wheat challah, which itself barely fits into the Eat To Live diet itself, but well I guess all any of us can do is teh best that we can to try and live a healthy life!
L'Briyut! (To Health!)

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