Monday, December 21, 2009

Lemony Lentil Soup with Cilantro

Since I found this amazing Lemony Lentil Soup with Cilantro it has become one of my favs! I use more lemon and well probably more cilantro than the recipe calls for but I am not sure since I don't always measure while I am cooking. I love lentils but even people that don't like lentils or the usual lentil soup will like this one. The lemon and cilantro add such a different taste to the lentils and it is really refreshing!

One of the best things about this soup is it i quick and doesn;t use very many ingredients. I actually don't use the allspice and I don't blend anything just saute the onion and add in the lentils water and veggie stock, then when it is almost done add in lemon juice and finely chopped cilantro and serve!


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