Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mazel Tovsssssssssssss

On Tuesday was Nadiva Rose's Bat Mitzvah. It was so much fun two of my friends and I were the only "adults" invited the rest were a bunch of 12 year old girls. The other too are my friends Aliza and Hillel, who just got engaged, yay mazel tov!!

The Bat Mitzvah was so much fun and I am so glad and honored that I was there. I love the Rose family they are amazing. Yesterday there was a crazy rain storm that was not expected. I was not prepared for this rain I was wearing converse a hoodie and a light jean jacket. I got drenched. Yafo street had turned into a raging river, it was insane. On my way home I was going by Michael Rose's store, JBC (Judaica Book Center) and I decided to go in to seek a little refuge. Michael saw me running towards the door and was laughing, I just walked in side and said "Help!" he just laughed at me. I hung out talking with Michael for a while then went home when the rain stopped.

Thank God for the rain, we sure need it and it gave me such an adventure.

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