Tuesday, January 6, 2009

about a month to go...

I can't believe it, in two days it will be a month until my wedding! This is such an exciting time, we have been accomplishing so much in such a short time. Today we started to begin deciding on centerpieces and flowers and all that fun stuff. We are going to have centerpieces that are plants that people can take and plant. There will be a mix of herbs and flowers. This is a great way to be more environmental as well as it goes with the fact that we are getting married on Tu B'Shvat, the Birthday of the trees!

I am looking at having a bouquet of orchids. While looking for pretty bouquets I came across some really interesting bouquets and this was just one I thought was really interesting.
I will probbaly be going with something a little more like this one though.
My DIY roots are coming through...I am not so into the idea of wearing a tiara but I did want to have something in my hair. I found some really cool and amazing tiara and tiara alternatives online and many on www.Etsy.com I decided to make my own thing to wear in my hair. In my search I came across a bunch of "hair vines" so I decided to make my own out of pearl beads, I am excited to wear it, I think it am eout pretty good. I showed it to a friend of mine yesterday and she couldn't believe that I made it. Way to go DIY roots, I knew all that craftiness would pay off one day!!!

Wow 32 days to go...

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