Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Event & The Activities

The Event: My Best Friend's Wedding

I of course was late to the wedding, I knew I was going to be late to start out but as I set off in my mom's new Prius I was driving for only 5 minutes when I got pulled over by a cop. I had apparently forgot to turn the lights on. So after the cop handed me my ticket and I said, "This is a great way to say welcome back! Know I know why I moved," I continued on my journey to the wedding. The wedding was great I saw some of my BFF's that I have not seen for almost a year all who of course are married now. It is just so interesting to see all these friends as wives now, to see what has changed and what hasn't.

The event concluded with a back yard barb-q. Apparently they had a whole lamb on a spit, but I only saw a picture and then everyone eating kabobs. There of course was a lot of food, Greek style and friends again. I am so excited for my BFF and her now new hubby, they look so happy and are just beginning this amazing life together. May we all be so lucky to find our soulmates and have the opportunity to gather our friends and family form near and far and feed them!

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