Monday, November 9, 2009


My life is in a process of change. It's pretty hard to believe. Despite that my belly is getting bigger I think I am still in a bit of denial. Even after seeing our baby move I feel like I still don't believe it. Below are the pictures we got of our beautiful baby from 13 weeks 6 days. The first pick is the normal US picture of the peanut looking thing, that is our baby.

While we were getting our ultra sound done they asked if we would do it again in the next room. They had a new machine and needed to test it out on women at various stages of pregnancy. So lucky us we got super clear and more detailed pictures, including a 3Dish picture of the babies face.
Top frontal view, that looks more like a baby bear than a person, if you ask me.

This one is a side view of the face, you can see the nose and lips to the bottom left.

That's a good looking spine!

Look at that face, we think s/he has my nose already!

It was incredible seeing thiese live pictures and seeing the baby move. I think I am starting to feel the baby moving, but I'm really not sure. I guess I'll know in a few weeks for sure. What an experience. It is so weird watching my body change, I look in the mirror and don't even recognize myself these days. There was a while where I was every morning waking up and saying that I think my tummy is bigger. And no joke, I was totally serious!

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