Thursday, July 23, 2009

so many plastic bags

I have so many plastic bags every time I go to buy something I get an other bag. Its just part of the culture, here so much so that when I say I don't need a bag I get a funny look. For years now I have been wanting to make a reusable plastic shopping bag our of old plastic bags. Recently I had the idea to make a basket for toiletries our of plastic bags but couldn't find a pattern. Two days ago I came across AltUse and the daily product was plastic bags and one of the uses is little storage baskets.

On AltUse they have a link to NezumiWorld with many uses for plastic bags. What a good way to reuse these bags, besides of course trashbags!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I started to knit a plastic bag, bag a few years ago and it looked bizarre. It stretched too much and I never finished. I just use reusable now and if I do get plastic, I use for recycling.